The graduate from the master’s program in Operations and Industrial Security at UDLA is an enterprising professional, who is committed to society and capable of contributing to the profitability and global competitiveness of Ecuadorian enterprises. The Master in Operations and Industrial Security graduate is able to lead business processes with a solid theoretical and practical basis of logistics, process management, quality assurance standards, and industrial security. He/she manages innovation and resource optimization in pursuit of increasing organizational efficiency and effectiveness while complying with national and international regulatory frameworks. In his or her professional practice, the Master in Operations and Industrial Security graduate is expected to demonstrate ethics, honesty, and business social responsibility in response to the changing demands of local and global environments.
Program enrollment: Program headcount totals the number of students enrolled yearly.
Graduation rate: is calculated through the 2021-2022 academic year, based on new, first-time students entering in the fall semester, regardless of whether they enroll in the daytime or evening version of their program (if available). These rates do not consider incoming transfer students.
In every semester, the program provides assessment results according to its Multiannual Assessment Plan (MAP), which typically considers one or more of its program learning outcomes (PLOs). Most programs utilize the platform Brightspace to collect and assess student work and to present the data and evidence of student achievement. These results and their analysis, with the objective of identifying areas for improvement, are presented in the program’s annual assessment report. In the graphic below, the most recent period in which a PLO has been assessed is indicated, with the percentage indicating achievement of the expected performance standard for that PLO, according to the rubric used to evaluate the student work. This standard can be designated at an introductory, intermediate, or final level, depending upon how the course learning outcomes (CLOs) align to each PLO in the program’s curriculum map.